// Territories of Exception: Violation of rights and the use of police helicopters in Rio de Janeiro
19 de August de 2021Territories of Exception Violation of rights and the use of police helicopters in Rio de Janeiro.
ABSTRACT: Investigation about the violation of rights in the use of police helicopters as a shooting platform in Rio de Janeiro, encompassing the years between 2018 and 2019. Using science and data visualisation, previously unseen government information, social media data, field investigation and forensic architecture techniques, the study identifies patterns in the use of this warlike apparatus in the city and tries to reconstruct the impact of such interventions from the collected evidence, especially in the Complexo da Maré area.
This project was conceived in 2017 by MediaLab.UFRJ and Agência Autônoma as part of the investigative collaborations driven by data and methodologies of forensic architecture. The work relied on the support of Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) and the Ford Foundation.
Carried out by MediaLab.UFRJ and Agência Autônoma, in partnership with Redes da Maré, Fogo Cruzado, Pista News, Witness and Rede LAVITS.
Coordination: Fernanda Bruno, Adriano Belisário and Paulo Tavares
Data analysis and visualisation: Adriano Belisário
Research assistant: Ingra Maciel and Debora Pio
Web developer: Marlus Araújo
Check out the project’s repository in order to access the data and codes used: https://github.com/medialabufrj/territorios-de-excecao Data sources: Defezap; Fogo Cruzado; IBGE; Twitter; Observatório da Intervenção; Pista News; Redes da Maré; Pista News; Rio de Janeiro State Civil Police; Rio de Janeiro State Military Police; Federal Government, State of Rio de Janeiro Human Defence Rights Public Defender Caucus (NUDEDH).

Map showing the distribution of shots from helicopters across the city.